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Lyrics Home :: U :: Usher :: U Remind Me

Lyrics for U Remind Me by Usher

Yo, I ain't seeing you in a minute, but I got something to tell ya, listen.

See the thing about you that caught my eye
Is the same thing that makes me change my mind
Kinda hard to explain, but girl, I'll try,
You need to sit down this may take a while
See this girl, she sorta looks just like you
She even smiles just the way you do
So innocent she seemed but I was fooled
I'm reminded when I look at you.

You remind of a girl, that I once knew.
See her face whenever I, I look at you.
You won't believe all of the things that she put me through.
This is why I just can't get with you.

Thought that she was the one for me,
Til I found out she was on her dream,
Oh, she was sexing everyone, but me.
This is why we could never be.

You remind of a girl, that I once knew.
See her face whenever I, I look at you.
You won't believe all of the things that she put me through.
This is why I just can't get with you.

I know it's so unfair to you,
But I'd be lingering the rest to you,
Wish I knew, wish I knew how to separate the two
You remind me, whoa...

You remind of a girl, that I once knew.
See her face whenever I, I look at you.
You won't believe all of the things that she put me through.
This is why I just can't get with you.

You remind of a girl, that I once knew.
See her face whenever I, I look at you.
You won't believe all of the things that she put me through.
This is why I just can't get with you.

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