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Lyrics Home :: T :: The Shins :: Mine's Not A High Horse

Lyrics for Mine's Not A High Horse by The Shins

After that confrontation
You left me wringing my cold hands
We shared some information
We might not recover from
And I watch your convictions
Melt like ice cubes in an ocean
You were so poorly cast as a malcontent

You've got them all on your side
That just makes more for doubt to slaughter
"I never knew he thought that!"
I heard you say falling out of the van
"Don't ask for his opinion
They ought to drown him in holy water"
Will you remember my reply
When your high horse dies?

We'd like to go the distance
But not a one of us is going to you
See no one is wise enough to turn the ancient boat around
These are the muddy waters I am swimming in
To make a living were I to drown in them
It should come as no surprise

You've got them all on your side
That just makes more for doubt to slaughter
"I never knew he thought that!"
I heard you say falling out of the van
"Don't ask for his opinion
They ought to drown him in holy water"
Will you remember my reply
When your high horse dies?

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