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Lyrics Home :: S :: Son By Four :: With You

Lyrics for With You by Son By Four

Baby every time I close my eyes
the only thing I've got on my mind is you only
and it feel so good to know your mine
cause baby I know that deep inside
you feel the same way too girl
your love is
sent from heaven above
I'm truly
baby I'm truly in love with you
with you
and I wanna get it on
all night long c'mon.
I want to be with you
all the time my baby
your love drives crazy
and I wanna get it on with you baby baby
I want to be with you
all the time my baby
your love drives crazy
and I wanna get it on with you baby c'mon.
Baby can we get a little freaky tonight
I promise I'll do anything you ask me to
I'll give to you once twice three times
we can do it all night cause you blow my mind
your love is
sent from heaven above
I'm truly
baby I'm truly in love with you
with you
and I wanna get it on
all night long c'mon.
I want to be with you
all the time my baby
your love drives crazy
and I wanna get it on with you baby baby
I want to be with you
all the time my baby
your love drives crazy
and I wanna get it on with you baby c'mon
Contigo Ay mi nena yo quiero estar contigo
yo quiero estar contigo contigo
pegate mi corazon eres tu mi tentacion
yo quiero estar contigo toda la noche toda la noche
baby baby baby contigo.

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