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Lyrics Home :: S :: Simple Plan :: My Alien

Lyrics for My Alien by Simple Plan

I'm sick of being alone
When are you coming home?
Just a glimpse of your face
I can remember smelling your hair
I'll meet you anywhere
Somewhere that no one can retrace
Somewhere where nobody will know our faces

She has two arms to hold me
And four legs to wrap around me
She's not your typical girlfriend
She's my alien

She knows when something is wrong
When something doesn't belong
She can read in my mind
And she can be assured that with me
There is no conspiracy
she's not wasting her time

She can take me to the place that she calls home
In a spaceship that will someday be my own
Please take me to your leader
Tell her I will surrender

She has two arms to hold me
And four legs to wrap around me
She's not your typical girlfriend

(My alien)

I bought the astronaut kit
Now all I need is a rocket
My love intergalactic friend
My alien

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