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Lyrics Home :: S :: Simple Plan :: God Must Hate Me

Lyrics for God Must Hate Me by Simple Plan

Last night i just wanted to have fun
To go out with my friends
I took my dad's car
I never taught he would find out
But I crashed in a wall
Man I'm dead
I guess it's no use
I'm screwing up every little thing i ever try to do
I was born to lose
yeah yeah yeah yeah

God must hate me
He cursed me for eternity
God must hate me
Maybe you should pray for me
I'm breaking down and you can't save me
I'm stuck in hell
and I wanna go home

Last night I had to study for this test
I forgot man I'm dead
and now my brain is bursting out of my head
I can't think I can't breathe
Once again

So what in the world am I suppose to do?
I never did anything to you
so can't you find something else to do?

God must hate me
I wanna go home

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