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Lyrics for If You Wanna Dance by Nobody's Angel

Hey if you wanna dance
Get your body on the floor in your hot pants
If you really wanna dance hey come on
If you wanna dance if you really wanna dance
Ooh show me what your gonna do
Show me how to move if the music hits you
If you really wanna dance hey come on
If you wanna dance if you really wanna dance

DJ is play my song
I've waited all night long to get my groove on
All y'all
Standing on the wall
This is the last call
So get your...out on the floor

Hey if you wanna dance
Get your body on the floor in your hot pants
If you really wanna dance hey come on
If you wanna dance if you really wanna dance
Ooh show me what your gonna do
Show me how to move if the music hits you
If you really wanna dance hey come on
If you wanna dance if you really wanna dance

Its Friday going into Saturday
I don't care what you say
Gonna dance this party till the break of dawn
All y'all
Standing on the wall
Come and join us
Like we said before get your eeze out on the floor!

Hey if you wanna dance
Get your body on the floor in your hot pants
If you really wanna dance hey come on
If you wanna dance if you really wanna dance
Ooh show me what your gonna do
Show me how to move if the music hits you
If you really wanna dance hey come on
If you wanna dance if you really wanna dance

Baby let's party till our bodys can't take no more
Come on lets dance until the beat just takes control
Need to release all the pressure, so let it go

Hey if you wanna dance if wanna dance if wanna dance
If you really wanna dance really wanna dance
really wanna dance really wanna dance

Go daddy daddy go daddy daddy go!
Go daddy daddy go daddy daddy go!!!
Like we said before get your eeze out on the floor!!!!!!

If you wanna dance come on and get down get down
get down get down
If you wanna dance come on and get down get down
get down on the WHOO!!!

Hey if you wanna dance
Get your body on the floor in your hot pants
If you really wanna dance hey come on
If you wanna dance if you really wanna dance
Ooh show me what your gonna do
Show me how to move if the music hits you
If you really wanna dance hey come on
If you wanna dance if you really wanna dance

DJ is playing my song
I've waited all night long to get my groove on

Gonna dance this party till the break of dawn!!!!

Hey if you wanna dance
Get your body on the floor in your hot pants
If you really wanna dance hey come on
If you wanna dance if you really wanna dance
Ooh show me what your gonna do
Show me how to move if the music hits you
If you really wanna dance hey come on
If you wanna dance if you really wanna dance

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