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Lyrics Home :: N :: Nobody's Angel :: I Can't Help Myself

Lyrics for I Can't Help Myself by Nobody's Angel

You smile a lot
It makes me wonder what your thinking of cuz...
baby your always on my mind
and right now i want you with me
here by my side
with me till the end of time

[Chorus (back-round):]
I just can't help myself i'm falling in love with you.
(love, love)
It doesnt matter what you say and do
(no matter what you say, no matter what you do)
just give me a chance
and i know i'll make you understand why...
I just cant help myself i'm falling in love with you.

Dont always find i should tell the world just how I'm
feeling it cuz...
i wanna be sure you feel the same
The more that i think about it
you need to know
there's no other way

I just cant help myself I'm falling in love with you.
(love, love)
(with you)
It doesnt matter what you say or do
(no matter what you say, no matter what you do)
just give me a chance
and i know i'll make you understand why...
I just cant help myself i'm falling in love with you.

You must have been sent...
you must have been sent from heaven above
your everything i have been dreaming of
too good to be true
no no i dont think so
baby no

lalala, etc...
[repeat chorus 2x]

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