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Lyrics Home :: N :: Nirvana :: Turnaround

Lyrics for Turnaround by Nirvana

Take a step outside yourself
And turn around
Take a look at who you are
It's pretty scary
So silly
You're not much
You can't do anything

Take a step outside the city
And turn around
Take a look at what you are
It is revolting
You're really nowhere
So wasteful
So foolish

Who said don't look back?
Don't believe 'em
Go for that crazy sounding restaurant
'Couse they're gonna try and get behind you
Don't you let them do it
You know what I'm talking about?
You hear me talking?
You hear me talking?

It's pretty scary it's so revolting

Take a step outside the country
And turn around
Take a look at what you are
It is amazing
Take a good look
You're no big deal
You're so petty
It's lots

Take a step outside the planet
Turn around and around
Take a look at where you are
It's pretty scary

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