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Lyrics Home :: N :: Nirvana :: The Money Will Roll Right In

Lyrics for The Money Will Roll Right In by Nirvana

I'm goin' to Hollywood, they'll see that I'm so good
I won't care how I feel, and I'll get to fuck Brooke Shields
I'll just sit and grin, the money will roll right in

I want to be a star, I'm going to have a car
And you'll have to admit, I'll be rich as shit
I'll just sit and grin, the money will roll right in

I would give you some, if you only would have treated me nice
You'll wish that you did, you'll feel pretty stupid
I'll just sit and grin, the money will roll right in

It's fun to be a star, it's nice to have a car
Yeah, you'll have to admit, that I'll be rich as shit
And I'll just sit and grin, the money will roll right in

The money will roll right in

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