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Lyrics Home :: N :: Nirvana :: Talk To Me

Lyrics for Talk To Me by Nirvana

Shake it down easy, shake it down sleazy, come on
Shake it down easy, shake yourself, Suzy, come on

Don't let me detain you
Try to ride along
Don't you lie, knowing
I am not sad
I am not silly
I am not chippin'
I am not chippin' away

Talk to me
In your own language, please
In your own
Talk to me
In your own language please

Shake it down easy, make it sound seamy, doll man
Make it sound now, make it full house, sad man

Leader of the band
Makes a mental hell
I won't weather it well
Well I never
Saw it with my arm
Paint it with my heart
Paint it with my eyes and make it right

Lay down easy, lay it down seamy, sad man
Lay down easy, lay it down seamy, sad man

You don't want to hear this
Nothin' but a whore
I will play the leader
With pain
Now you know I'm needy
Lay them down easy
Lay them down easy

Talk to me
In your own language please

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