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Lyrics Home :: N :: Nirvana :: Polly (New Wave)

Lyrics for Polly (New Wave) by Nirvana

Polly wants a cracker
Think I should get off of her first
I think she wants some water
To put out the blow torch

It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To help myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To help myself

Polly wants a cracker
Maybe she would like more food
She asks me to untie her
A chase would be nice for a few

It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To help myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To help myself

Polly said
Polly says her back hurts
And she's just as bored as me
She caught me off my guard
It amazes me, the will of instinct

It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To help myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To help myself

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