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Lyrics Home :: N :: Nirvana :: Downer

Lyrics for Downer by Nirvana

Butchered sincerity. Act out of loyalty.
Defending free country. Wish away. Hey! Had a lobotomy.
To save little family. Surrealistic fantasy. Bad boy. Fight!

All we know id restitution. Living out your day of fusion.
If there's a hope, please show me faster. Don't feel guilty, pass a riot.

Somebody said that they're not much like I am.
I know I can't make it up. Althought if you go along, I'll sing your song.

Sickening pessimists. Despicable masses.
Asseverated commumists. Apocalyptic bastards.
Rinkydink God. For putting me on this earth.
Being very privileged. Death in mind. Nurse!

All we know id restitution. Living out your day of fusion.
If there's a hope, please show me faster. Don't feel guilty, pass a riot.

Somebody said that they're not much like I am.
I know I can't make it up. Althought if you go along,
I'll sing your song.

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