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Lyrics Home :: N :: Nirvana :: Aero Zeppelin

Lyrics for Aero Zeppelin by Nirvana

What's the season of love if you can't have everything
what's the reason of love if you can lose everything
what's the meaning of love, it's a crime if anything
what's the meaning of love, it's grand, it's grand

How can a culture can forget it's plan of yesterday
and you swear it's not a trend
does it matter anyways
barely heat the top of friend like it moves everyday
you could shit upon the stairs
you'll be friends
you'll be friends
you'll be friends
you'll be friends

All the kids have laid it out
and it's back is probably
still it's subtle in the tape
keep a form on equally
now you know it's just the fact
where the world is nowadays
and the day is what we learn
does it matter anyways

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