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Lyrics Home :: I :: Idlewild :: Mistake Pageant

Lyrics for Mistake Pageant by Idlewild

I couldn’t stand up looking up at the faded party
I couldn’t stand up looking up at a faded party

It was a mistake pageant
It was a mistake from the start
This is a mistake pageant
But it’s unsuitable to laugh like the others

Couldn’t stand up looking up, I’m at a faded party
I couldn’t stand up looking at, at a famous party

It was a mistake pageant
It was a mistake from the start
This is a mistake pageant
And I don’t understand the way that you’re living

Because you’ve had bad luck (Disorder)
And I know what it feels like to have bad luck

You can’t open your eyes
You can’t open your eyes
It’s vain or is it just fame?

It was a mistake pageant
It was a mistake from the start
This is a mistake pageant
And I don’t understand this way that you’re living

Because you’ve had bad luck (Disorder)
And I know what it feels like to have bad luck

I hope that this won’t bring you down
These people are obscured by frowns
This won’t bring you down
These people, frown

Cause you’ve had bad luck (Disorder)
And I know what it feels like to have bad luck

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