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Lyrics Home :: I :: Icon Of Coil :: You Just Died

Lyrics for You Just Died by Icon Of Coil

adrenaline, my heart was pumping
now it's crucial, blood starts to burn
I took the bait, my hands are bleeding
now it's too late, when shall we learn...

my eyes are tired, can't get no sleep
it's been a while now, let's activate
they'll soon be here now, they're getting closer
if I could reach it, now it's too late

we built a flagship on a lie
we built our honor on a lie
we built our pride on a lie
we built this world on a lie
we built a flagship on a lie
we built our honor on a lie
we built this world on a lie
now we'll repair it on a lie
too late.....

my eyes are tired, can't get no sleep
it's been a while now, let's activate
they'll soon be here now, they're getting closer
if I could reach it, now it's too late

adrenaline, my heart was pumping
now it's crucial, blood starts to burn
I took the bait, my hands are bleeding
now it's too late, when shall we learn...

we built a flagship on a lie
we built our honor on a lie
we built our pride on a lie
we built this world on a lie
we built a flagship on a lie
we built our honor on a lie
we built this world on a lie
now we'll repair it on a lie
too late.....

I won't expect that you understand
but one day you have to make a choice
the shade of red will be unsaid
amber carvings in stone

we built a flagship on a lie
we built our honor on a lie
we built our pride on a lie
we built this world on a lie
we built a flagship on a lie
we built our honor on a lie
we built this world on a lie
now we'll repair it on a lie
too late.....

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