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Lyrics Home :: E :: Eagles :: Twenty-One

Lyrics for Twenty-One by Eagles

Twenty-one and strong as I can be
I know what freedom means to me
And I can't give the reason why
I should ever want to die
Got no cause to be afraid
Or fear that life will ever fade
'Cause as I watch the rising sun
I know that we have just begun

I might spend my life upon the road
Just tryin' to add to what I know
Then someday I might settle down
And all my friends will be around

They say a man should have a stock and trade
But me, I'll find another way
I believe in getting what you can
And there ain't no stoppin' this young man

Because I'm you and fast as I can be
I know what freedom means to me
And I can't give the reason why,
I should ever want to die
No I can't give the reason why
I should ever want to die

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