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Lyrics Home :: E :: Eagles :: The Long Run

Lyrics for The Long Run by Eagles

I used to hurry a lot, I used to worry a lot,
I used to stay out 'til the break of day
Oh, they didn't get it, it was high time I quit it
I just couldn't carry on that way

Oh, I did some damage, I know it's true
Didn't know I was so lonely 'til I found you

Who can go the distance? We'll find out in the long run
We can handle some resistance if our love is a strong one
People talking about us, they got nothing else to do
When it all comes down, we will still come through
In the long run, ooh, I want to tell you
It's a long run

You know I don't understand why you don't treat yourself better
Do the things, the things that you do
'Cause all the debutantes in Houston, baby
Couldn't hold a candle to you
Did you do it for love? Did you do it for money?
Did you do it for spite? Did you think you had to, honey?

Who is gonna make it? We'll find out in the long run
I know we can take it if our love is a strong one
Well, we're scared, but we ain't shaking
Kind of bent, but we ain't breaking
In the long run, ooh, I want to tell you
It's a long run
In the long run, in the long run

Gonna find out, ooh, find, find, find, find out
Long, long, long, long, long, long, long
Ooh, run, run, run, baby, run, run, baby
Long, long, long, long
Ooh, my baby

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