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Lyrics Home :: E :: Eagles :: Out Of Control

Lyrics for Out Of Control by Eagles

Oh, my, don't the sky look spacious
With the stars all shinin' down
Well, I can hear the night wind howlin'
It's a high and lonesome sound
And I ain't had a woman in so long
I can't feed my starvin soul
Come on, saddle up, boys, we're gonna ride into town
We're gonna get a little out of control

There's a card game in the corner
And the barmaid smiled at me
Well, I tipped her a sliver dollar and
she brought me a drink for free

All the town-folk call her the cheap one
And the gamblers call her Flo
Come on, set 'em up again
I got me a friend and I think I'm gettin' out of control

She's cool water, her momma taught her
I got news, she's mine and mine alone
And if anybody's lookin' for trouble
You know I'm the one you want to try

Well, I'll fight any man who wants to
And I don't care who or why

You got to gamble on your story
You got no guts, you get no glory
And I'm bettin' my money on an ace in the hole
Think I'm gettin' out of control

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