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Lyrics Home :: E :: Eagles :: Ol' 55

Lyrics for Ol' 55 by Eagles

Well, my time went to quickly
I went lickety-splitly out to my old fifty-five
As I pulled away slowly, feelin' so holy,
God knows I was feelin' alive
And now the sun's comin' up
I'm ridin' with Lady Luck
Freeway cars and trucks

Stars beginning to fade, and I lead the parade
Just a wishin' I'd stayed a little longer
Lord, don't you know the feelin's gettin' stronger

Six in the morning, gave me no warnin'
I had to be on my way
Now the cars are all passin' me,
Trucks are all flashin' me
I'm headed home from your place

And now the sun's comin' up
I'm ridin' with Lady Luck
Freeway cars and trucks

Stars beginning to fade, and I lead the parade
Just a wishin' I'd stayed a little longer
Lord, don't you know, the feelin's gettin' stronger

Well, my time went to quickly
I went lickety-splitly out to my old fifty-five
As I pulled away slowly, feelin' so holy,
God knows I was feelin' alive
And now the sun's comin' up, yes it is
I'm ridin' with Lady Luck
Freeway cars and trucks
Freeway cars and trucks,
Ridin' with Lady Luck
Freeway cars and trucks,
Ridin' with Lady Luck
Freeway cars and trucks
Ridin' with Lady Luck...

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