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Lyrics Home :: B :: Boney M :: Still I'm Sad

Lyrics for Still I'm Sad by Boney M

See the stars come joining down from the sky
Gently passing they kiss your tears when you cry
See the wind the summer blow your hair upon your head
See the rain, the falling rain, it's great
Still I'm sad

All my sounds my tears just fall into days
They are driving the night will find they are lost
Now I found the wind is blowing time into my heart
When the wind blows hard we are apart
Still I'm sad

See the stars come joining down from the sky
Gently passing they kiss your tears when you cry
See the wind the summer blow your hair upon your head
See the rain, the falling rain, it's great
Still I'm sad

Still I'm sad
Oh heart, I'm sad
Still I'm sad
Oh heart, I'm sad

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