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Lyrics Home :: B :: Boney M :: Let It All Be Music

Lyrics for Let It All Be Music by Boney M

Music is a mirror
Near around my soul
Music is the spirit
Come on let it roll
Music is my nature
People have you heard
Music is my future
Music is the world

Let it all be music
People sing a song
Let it all be music
Let us sing it on and on and on and on
Let's play the music
My kind of music
Let's play the music
Play it on
Let's play the music
My kind of music
Let's play the music
Play it on and on and on

Music isn't somewhere
Music turns you right
Music is a fever
Leads you day and night
Music is like heaven
Where you wanna be
Music is religion
Music sets you free

Let it all be music
People sing a song
Let it all be music
Let us sing it on and on and on and on
Let's play the music
My kind of music
Let's play the music
Play it on
Let's play the music
My kind of music
Let's play the music
Play it on and on and on

Music is tomorrow
Music is today
Music is forever
Music is the way
Music is for women
Music is for men
Music is for children
Sing it all again

Let it all be music
People sing a song
Let it all be music
Let us sing it on and on and on and on
Let's play the music
My kind of music
Let's play the music
Play it on
Let's play the music
My kind of music
Let's play the music
Play it on and on and on

I can feel it, in my soul
I can feel it, in my heart
Sweet sweet sweet music
Sweet sweet sweet music
sweet music
play it on
play it on
my my my my my kind of music
play it
play the music
my my my my my kind of music
play it
I said play it
on and on and on and on

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