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Lyrics Home :: B :: Boney M :: Jimmy

Lyrics for Jimmy by Boney M

Jimmy, my heart is full of love, only true love,
and its wisdom and visions are you.
(Baby baby, there's no returning)
Jimmy, there's words unspoken and unbroken,
only you can ensure everlasting.
(Baby baby, my love is you)

Jimmy, I would like to drive your car,
it don't matter how long, how far.
Jimmy, you can have my loving heart and key and all.
Jimmy, I would like to wear your ring,
all your love songs I sure will sing.
Jimmy, you can have my loving heart and key and all.

Jimmy, if you only knew all that I felt for you,
you wouldn't question me with a doubt.

Jimmy, my heart is full of love, only true love,
and its wisdom and visions are you.
(Baby baby, there's no returning)
Jimmy, there's words unspoken and unbroken,
only you can ensure everlasting.
(Baby baby, my love is you)

Jimmy, I would like to drive your car,
it don't matter how long, how far.
Jimmy, you can have my loving heart and key and all.

Deep and deeper I keep falling, falling in love with you.
Even in times of hard depression, I stay in love with only you.

Jimmy, I would like to drive your car,
it don't matter how long, how far.
Jimmy, you can have my loving heart and key and all.
Jimmy, I would like to wear your ring,
all your love songs I sure will sing.
Jimmy, you can have my loving heart and key and all.

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