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Lyrics Home :: B :: Boney M :: Got A Man On My Mind

Lyrics for Got A Man On My Mind by Boney M

Walk around in circles
Without peace and little sleep
Can't cool down and unwind
What I'm feeling is a feeling
That's just you down deep
Got a man on my mind

Haven't seen him for so long
He's always on the go
Not the sticking round kind
I don't care whatever happens
One thing I do know
Got a man on my mind

Sometimes I stand there
Just starrin' into space
And I talk about how I feel (yeah yeah)
Being there
Yet I clearly see his face
And I hold him and he's quite real

Never thought that I could care
For anyone that much
Oh how wrong can you be
I'm so hungry for his kisses
For his tender touch
He's the whole world for me

Walk around in circles
Without peace and without sleep
Can't cool down and unwind
What I'm feeling is a feeling
That's just you down deep
Got a man on my mind

Sometimes I stand there
Just starrin' into space
And I talk about how I feel (Oh yeah)
Being there
Yet I clearly see his face
And I hold him and he's quite real

Walk around in circles
Without peace and without sleep
Got a man on my mind

I'm hungry for kisses
I'm thirsty for love
Got a man on my mind
(Repeat ad libs and fade)

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