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Lyrics Home :: B :: Boney M :: Give It Up

Lyrics for Give It Up by Boney M

You come home late at night
You tell me it's all right
But something must be wrong
I wanna hold you close
But your reaction shows
You keep me hanging on

I'm tired of all your lies
Your silly alibies
Don't wanna play that game
If you don't know the rules
I'll send you back to school
You put a man to shame

Give it up, give it up
I just wanna make it stop, make it stop
I know I'm not the only one, only one
Maybe you're the lonely one, lonely one
Give it up, give it up
I just wanna make it stop, make it stop
'cause I know you bring me down, bring me down
The lover of my life

What happened to our plans
We've got a one night stand
You'd better let it be
If there's another man
I'll do the best I can
To bring you back to me

Give it up, give it up
I just wanna make it stop, make it stop
I know I'm not the only one, only one
Maybe you're the lonely one, lonely one
Give it up, give it up
I just wanna make it stop, make it stop
'cause I know you bring me down, bring me down
The lover of my life

Give it up, give it up
I just wanna make it stop, make it stop
I know I'm not the only one, only one
Maybe you're the lonely one, lonely one
Give it up, give it up
I just wanna make it stop, make it stop
'cause I know you bring me down, bring me down
The lover of my life

Give it up, give it up
I just wanna make it stop, make it stop
I know I'm not the only one, only one
Maybe you're the lonely one, lonely one
Give it up, give it up
I just wanna make it stop, make it stop
'cause I know you bring me down, bring me down
The lover of my life

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