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Lyrics Home :: B :: Boney M :: Exodus (Noah's Ark 2001)

Lyrics for Exodus (Noah's Ark 2001) by Boney M

Get on board our Silver Sun
This is Noah's Arc
In the year 2001
Up in heaven's park.

Exodus, we go to another world.
Exodus, foundation a better world.

Journey of discovery.
From this world of ours.
Flying to a new home in the stars.

Exodus, into the future
Another world, we fly away.
Exodus, into the dawn of
A better world, another day.

Exodus, a new horizon
Another world we've just begun
Exodus, we face tomorrow
A better world, another sun.

Exodus, we go to another world.
Exodus, foundation a better world.

Sailing through the universe
Near the speed of light
Planet earth is blue and out of sight.

Exodus, into the future
Another world, we fly away.
Exodus, into the dawn of
A better world, another day.

Exodus, a new horizon
Another world we've just begun
Exodus, we face tomorrow
A better world, another sun.

Get on board our Silver Sun
This is Noah's Arc
In the year 2001
Up in heaven's park.


Exodus, a new Dimension
Another world, we've just begun
Exodus, we face tomorrow
A better world, another sun.

Exodus, we face tomorrow
A better world, another sun.
Exodus, a new horizon...

3rd, unreleased verse:
There'll be no technology
On this new-found land
Nature's peace without the touch of man

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