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Lyrics Home :: B :: Boney M :: Bel Ami

Lyrics for Bel Ami by Boney M

He's a Casanova (Yeah yeah what'd I say?)
He's a busy lover (Yeah yeah what'd I say?)
Everybody's trying to tell me
That I'm wasting time away
Too cool for one woman (Yeah yeah what'd I say?)

My Bel Ami - I'm born to be with you
My Bel Ami - I don't care what you do
My Bel Ami - Whenever you're with me
My Bel Ami - I'm happy (What'd I say)

My Bel Ami
My Bel Ami

It won't last forever (Yeah yeah what'd I say?)
He's just like the weather (Yeah yeah what'd I say?)
Life with him is so exciting
Heights to the lows from day to day
Something's always happening (Yeah yeah what'd I say?)

My Bel Ami - I'm born to be with you
My Bel Ami - I don't care what you do
My Bel Ami - Whenever you're with me
My Bel Ami - I'm happy (What'd I say)

My Bel Ami
My Bel Ami
My Bel Ami

My Bel Ami - I'm born to be with you
My Bel Ami - I don't care what you do
My Bel Ami - Whenever you're with me
My Bel Ami - I'm happy
My Bel Ami

My Bel Ami - I'm born to be with you
My Bel Ami - I don't care what you do
My Bel Ami - Whenever you're with me
My Bel Ami - I'm happy
My Bel Ami

3rd verse, unreleased:
He can't deny some offers ... yeah yeah what I say
He's got more than the others ... yeah yeah what I say
Why should I be mad about it
That's the price I have to pay
In a world of competition ... yeah yeah what I say

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