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Lyrics Home :: 0-9 :: 3 Doors Down :: Life Of My Own

Lyrics for Life Of My Own by 3 Doors Down

Living risky, never scared, wander Closer to the edge
Nothing valued think no fear, always Wondering why you're here
All your purposes are gone, nothing's Right and nothing's wrong
Nothing ventured, nothing gained Feel no sorrow, feel no pain
Kiss me while I'm still alive Kill me while I kiss the sky
Let me die on my own terms, let me Live and let me learn
Now I'll follow my own way, and I'll Live on to another damn day
Freedom carries sacrifice, remember when this was my life
Looking forward, not behind Everybody's got to cross that line
Free me now to give me a place, Keep me caged and free the beast
Falling faster, time goes by, fear is Not seen through these eyes
What there was will never be, now I'm blind and cannot see
Kiss me while I'm still alive Kill me while I kiss the sky
Let me die on my own terms, let me Live and let me learn
Now I'll follow my own way, and I'll Live on to another damn day
Freedom carries sacrifice, remember when this was my life
Kiss me while I'm still alive Kill me while I kiss the sky
Let me die on my own terms, let me Live and let me learn
Now I'll follow my own way, and I'll Live on to another damn day
Freedom carries sacrifice, remember when this was my life

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